I'm Sophie Peelman,
a creative designer, passionate about atmospheres & tactility.
With a background in architecture, I started Peelvrouw to empower my clients to thrive in their best possible ways through design, and to find my self expression through multiple art forms.

Meandering matters - between art forms & creative expressions
Peelvrouw is the ship I created to meander through this beautiful life.
As I love to describe it: I'd rather take the scenic route in life.
Creativity makes our lives more colourful, joyful and in flow. Both professional & personal paths aren't straightforward, A to Z. Like a river,
it bends, it turns, it runs like a babbling brook and then speeds up into swirling waters. It brings you to wonderful places, lovely opportunities, curiosities, and connects amazing people.
Meandering matters: all these experiences, projects, experiments with different matters and spontaneous collaborations are interconnected and guide us towards the next creative expressions.
I would love to design your scenic moments in life: Your home, your business, your hospitality project, your client experience, products,
your big life events.

Sophie Andrea - between art forms & creative expressions
During the path of working for our clients and brands, the personal need to explore and express of the subconscious human experiences and suppressed gut feelings keeps popping up. It has been a coping mechanism or/and communication channel since childhood.
The need gets suppressed by rationalism, by excuses funded in economic reasoning, yet the emotional release breaks through in cyclical ways.
Art works are made with pencil, oil and acryl, charcoal and other mixed materials, floral and organic materials.
About Sophie
- Collects four leaf clovers
- "Never tried that before, so I think I should be able to do that" - mentality
- Loves humor
- Ambivert (so equally as introverted as extraverted)
- Expressive face: might have been a mime player in a past life
- Independent designer cheerleader & jewellery enthousiast
- Never not observing
- Loves creating things by hand and figuring things out.
- Multi passionate
- Would love to design collections for lifestyle & interior brands
- Would love to do expositions with her artworks
Curriculum vitae
Interior & architecture
2021 - current
Peelvrouw ,
Founder & creative & all-arounder
2018 - 2021
Freelance Designer
2015 - 2018
Internships architecture,
Friday Office, ANTE
2013 - 2015
Master’s in Architecture
University of Antwerp
Other creative endeavours
2022 - current
Artworks (painting, pencil)
2016 - 2022
Pop-up retail store A Better Blend, Antwerpen, www.abetterblend.be
2013 - 2016
Jewellery designer + pop up store, Sternum, www.sternum.be
2000 - 2010
Academy of Visual Arts,
Dendermonde & Temse